Building My Indie Business

Week Notes #6

2 min read

What went well this past week?

  • My first product will be an ebook! It took quite a lot longer than I expected to narrow down what my first product will be (see ‘Theory != Practice’ below), but I think it was well worth the effort. It’s important to be confident that I’m creating something that my audience (Node.js developers) will get value from, otherwise I would potentially be wasting a lot of time and effort creating it in the first place. I’ll share more details about the ebook that I’m writing once I’m a little further along in the outlining process.

What didn’t go so well this past week?

  • Theory != Practice – I completed the lessons for all of the processes in the 30×500 course a few weeks ago, and for some bizarre reason I’d assumed that it would be straightforward to apply the ones which help you figure out what you first product should be, even though I’d never applied them before. Learning how to do something is not equivalent to doing that thing, and doing something new for the first time is not easy, so it’s usually slow and kind of painful. I’ve spent so long operating within my comfort zone I think I had forgotten this. The struggle I had practising and applying new things got me down for a couple of days, but it was a valuable lesson re-learned.

  • Trying to use Notion for free form note entry and association of ideas – This really slowed me down while working towards figuring out what my first product will be. I’ve re-discovered that this sort of thing is much better done away from a computer screen with a pen and paper. As a developer my first instinct is to reach for some software – this is a habit that I’m going to have to unlearn.

Goals for the week

  • Post 3 useful tweets ✅
  • Directly help 4 people (1) ← Quite a subjective metric, need to figure out a better one.
  • Exercise 4 times for 30 minutes (1) ← A bad knee has made exercise difficult.
  • Metric: Sign up 5 new subscribers (3)